Christian worship is participation in the relationship Jesus Christ has with the Father in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit—it is an invitation into the joy of God. When we gather together in the name of Jesus Christ, we believe that God meets with us, speaks with us and renews us for our faith in, love for, worship of, and obedience to Him, every day wherever we are.
Sunday Afternoons at 5.00pm, Family Service
Our services include singing, hearing God’s word read and preached, times for sharing, bringing various needs to the Lord in prayer, and hearing about events in the church.
We celebrate God’s grace to us at Holy Communion at every service.
Most weeks of the month we also share some time in fellowship after the service, in the church hall. A shared meal is on the first week of the month, and a light supper on the second and fourth weeks.
We love having children at church and understand that this may mean a bit of noise – we’re not too fussed! There is a crèche room available for parents with very young children who may want to play or need changing or feeding. This room has vision and sound of the service. Currently we have no other provisions for children’s ministry, but will quickly develop them up for any children that attend regularly.